Ghost πŸ’˜ Mermaid JS

Author: Samuel Hierholzer Date: 09 Apr 2024 2 minutes

How to Automatically Render Mermaid JS Source Blocks.

The following guide shows how to use actual Markdown source blocks in a Ghost blog and make it automatically render to a Mermaid JS diagram.

Go to Settings->Code Injection (or better when only using it for a specific post; in the Post Settings there’s also Code Injection).

In the site header tab add the following code snippet. Make sure you use the newest version of Mermaid:

<script src=" "></script>

Now add the following to the site footer:

  var mElements = document.getElementsByClassName("language-mermaid");
  // the mElements collections removes the element when outerHTML is changed
  // therefore it's not an endless loop :)
  while (mElements.length >0) {
    var element = mElements[0];
    let text = element.innerHTML;
    element.outerHTML = '<div class="mermaid">' + text + "</div>";

This snippet replaces every mermaid code block with a div of class mermaid. Mermaid renders these div blocks on initialization.

And now if you add a block like:

   commit id: "post"
   commit id: "Another post"
   branch mermaid
   checkout mermaid
   commit id: "Add header"
   commit id: "Add footer"
   checkout main
   merge mermaid
   commit id: "Stonks"

It should be rendered as follows (unless you hate Javascript or something else went wrong):

Now you can use proper source blocks while editing your markdown and even get the same experience if you publish a Silverbullet page.